Daily Archives: November 9, 2014


Over the next couple weeks, I will be posting some of the poems I’ve been working on this semester. I have loved learning and being stretched in this form of writing. I had one the most inspiring and graceful lecturers walk with me and guide me gently as I learned how to write better. He didn’t change my writing to sound like his own. What he did was draw my own voice out and teach me to dig deeper. I came out sounding more like myself than ever before. I am so thankful.

This one is called Unhinged.

sometimes I wonder

how I look in your eyes.

do I bend and unravel? unfurl

and crumble.

folding and folding, turning over? unhinged.

are you afraid of the earthquake beneath my skin?

the ocean behind my mouth?

do you strain to look into my eyes?